This is the version number of the Monitors control panel.
To set the selected monitor to display a range of grays, click this button. This is the recommended setting for monochrome monitors.
When this button is selected, the selected monitor displays a range of grays. This is the recommended setting for monochrome monitors.
To set the selected monitor to display colors, click this button.
When this button is selected, the selected monitor displays colors.
To set the number of colors or shades of gray your monitor displays, click an item in this box.
This area displays the range of colors or grays your monitor is set to display.
To see other options for the selected monitor, click this button. For more advanced options, hold down the Option key and click this button.
When mirroring is turned on, no options are available.
To change a monitor’s settings, click its icon, then use the controls above. To set the positions of multiple monitors, drag the icons to approximate the locations of your monitors. To choose a main monitor, drag the miniature menubar to its icon.
To see which of your monitors corresponds to each monitor icon, click this button. Each monitor will display the number that appears on its icon.
To show your changes when you restart the computer, click this button. This is the recommended setting for maximum compatibility.
When this button is selected, your changes will show when you restart the computer. This is the recommended setting for maximum compatibility.
When this button is selected, your changes will show when you restart the computer. Not available because mirroring is turned on.
To show your changes without restarting the computer, click this button.
When this button is selected, your changes will show when you close this control panel.
When this button is selected, your changes will show when you close this control panel. Not available now because mirroring is turned on.